So many of us have fallen victim of always begging people to love us or give us attention. 

Begging for love is something I would never think of doing again. I don't want to force people into my life, if they want to go, they are free to go. 

When you beg for love, it means seeking validation, affection or attachment from someone often in a way that feels desperate or unbalanced. 

When you are desperate to have something or feel loved, we try to force it. We want to be cared for, we want to be somebody's favorite, we want that attention...and because we couldn't get it, we decided to beg for love. This is damaging to our mental health. 

In this article, we are going to be exploring the reason people beg for love, the signs, the consequences and how we can overcome it if we have fallen victim. Relax and read carefully. 


We may all deny it. We may try to cover up ourselves and say, "No, I'm not begging for her love, I'm just trying to let her know how much I love her". When you overdo yourself just to win someone's heart, then you're begging. 

We are not born to be beggars. Remember, God has given us the power and authority over everything. He didn't design you to be a beggar but to be a bold, confident person who will stand and claim what is his or hers. 

Now, let's clear it all. What are those signs that shows you're begging for love?

1. When you constantly seek reassurance:
It's okay to ask your friends or anyone in your life if they love you, but it's not okay if you ask them everyday or every time. Begging them to love you is just more like an obsession. 

2. Apologizing excessively even though you're not at fault. 
You keep on saying "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry" on any mistakes that happen. Some of us have decided to carry all the blames on ourselves and not allowing the other person know his or her fault. It's not your fault that this happened, but you keep apologizing. 

I watched a movie, the boy told the girl that she's ugly, and this girl said She is sorry that she's ugly and she will do anything to be beautiful so that the guy can stay in her life. 

She's literally begging for love and acceptance. 

3. Tolerating their mistakes and faults. 
It's beautiful when you love someone the way they are, but it will be more beautiful if you correct them and lead them at the right part. 
Because you don't want to make them angry, you decided to keep quiet and watch them walk on the path of sinners. You don't want to lose them, you decide to tolerate their non challant attitude without even trying to talk them out. It is a sign that you're begging for their love. 

When you don't beg for their love or attention, you will tell them the truth, you will correct them when needed, and you won't even care if they get angry or if they leave you. 
4. Pleading for attention 
Most people don't know they have to attend to themselves most importantly. When you spend time begging people to give you attention or to talk to you, the people you're begging will begin to feel you can't stay without them. 
It's time you start attending to yourself and stop wasting time trying to win someone attention. 

5. Texting constantly
It's a great thing to check on people, but don't over text. Ask how they are doing but don't text them excessively. I call that obsession. 
There is this guy that keeps texting me so much. He ask how I'm doing, say how much He wants me, talk about numerous things without even me replying him. I will just come online and see 10 messages from him. I understand this guy is begging to be loved and he's obsessed. 
So, in order for me not to make him feel it's moving somewhere, I had to block him. 

He may feel sad or broken, but it's for the best. Very soon, he will realize the meaning of finding himself. 

Dear reader, look for yourself first before looking for someone to love. Love yourself first before trying to be committed to someone. 

Begging for love has a bad effect which can be a big damage to your mental health. You have to know the consequences so you will be able to understand and know where you can work on. 

You lose respect. Begging for love make you to devalue yourself. You won't know you have stand up for yourself and carry yourself like someone important. You begin to lose respect for yourself if you stoop low to plead for attention or love. 

If you're in a situation like this, you have to start respecting yourself. 

Low self esteem is a negative thought or opinion we have about ourselves. It means doubting our worth, abilities and value. 
When you have low self esteem, you probably lack confidence. You don't want to believe that you can do this, or you worth more than rubies. 
Low self esteem makes you not believe the truth. You will always want to look down on yourself. 
Why is that? 
This happens because you begged people who said something negative about you and you believed it because you don't know the truth. 

If you're in a situation like this, you must start speaking positive words to yourself. Call yourself beautiful, lovely names. Start standing up for yourself. Study the Bible. Look for scriptures that says you're precious, wonderful and you worth more than rubies [Isaiah 43:4,2cor 5:17, 2cor12:9]
God's strength is perfect in weaknesses. 

Anxious or afraid to lose that person you have. Worried about the future. Worried about what people will think of you. Stressing yourself over people who doesn't deserve you. Going to any length just to do what this people want. 

This can cause increased anxiety and stress, worrying the hell out of you. 

When they finally leave you, making you feel worthless or useless, despite all your trials and attempt, you end up lonely in your thoughts, thinking about what you cannot change. Gradually, you crawl into depression. 

It has happened to me. I begged for love and I ended up being depressed. It was so hard for me. I thank God I was able to crawl out of it to experience the joy of God. 

Dear reader, you deserve to be happy. That's what God called you to do. He said, be glad in the Lord and rejoice. Don't stay sad or depressed. Try to be happy. Don't beg for love. 

When someone treat you like you're just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. Sometimes, you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do. Sometimes, you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you. It's not pride-its self respect. Don't give part time people a full time position in your life. 
Choose yourself to become available to those who will commit to choosing you everyday. 

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up. 
Remember, you're God's creation. He love you so much that He sent his only son to die for you. He is the lover of your soul, so let Him meet your every need and make you happy. Let Him hold on to your heart and fill you up with eternal love. 
Don't let your happiness depends on anyone else. You will attract the people you deserve once you are happy alone. 

God loves you and I love you. I hope this helps. 

Follow me up on Instagram @journalwithprecious20 and Facebook [Williams Precious] for more. 

 I'm Precious, a passionate Christian blogger dedicated to helping you cultivate a deeper relationship with God and yourself. In this sacred space, we'll explore journaling, self-care, and Christian lifestyle tips to empower your mind, nourish your soul, and ignite your spirit.
 Join me on this transformative journey, and let's grow together!"

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