We all have many goals to accomplish. 
We have that big dreams we want to come to pass. 
We want to reach on top of the mountain. 
We want to aim for the sky. 
We want to see beyond what's happening around us. 

We are a dreamer, yes. 
We are a champion, yes. 
We are a Hero, yes. 
We are a big star, yes. 

To get to that big dream, we need to go through a step by step process. 
Everything don't just happen overnight. 
You have to set goals concerning your dream and take action towards them. 

So then, how can we set our goals? 

Our goals are our target, our aim. It is what will lead you to what you want to achieve in life. You can't accomplish your dreams without setting realistic goals towards it. 

Do you want to embark into the journey of a improved and developed life? 
If yes, grab your physical journal, your pen, pencil and spotliner. Now let's start the journey. 


When Joseph in the Bible had a dream, the Bible didn't say if he wrote it down, but to my understanding, while he told his brothers and parents, he's actually writing it down. 

He didn't know how it will turn out but he knows that his dream will surely come to pass. And he actually went through some process to 

What is your dream? What has God reveal to you about your life? What do you want to become? What type of impact do you want to make? 

It's not as tho this writer has made it all, No. I'm also in the process of setting it out and trying to achieve it. 

Now, grab your journal and write out your dreams.
Write what you want and how you want to be in the next 5 or 10 years. 

It's all about your determination. 

Your dreams becomes your goals when it is written down with a date. 
Don't forget to put date before writing down your dreams. This will make you remember and be time conscious. 

We want to make it real quick. We want the process to be fast and surprising. But dear, you need to go through a step by step process. 

Joseph didn't just have a changed life immediately he had the dream, instead he patiently endured all that he went through just to have a drastical changed life. 

Joseph is a great example for achieving our dreams. His story is an eye opener to those who are struggling to make it through. All we just have to do is trust the process. 

Grab your journal, and patiently break down your goals. 

You can start by signifying each goals with an alphabet or task. 
For example;
A~ A motivational speaker. 
Steps to carry out
1. Work on your communication skills
2. Know who you're speaking to. Is it adult or teens. 
3.Start practicing your speech. 
4.Bring your family or friends to showcase what you've practiced. 
5. Work more on writing engaging relatable content. 

This example is a better way to take it one step at a time. You will have the knowledge of what needs to be done first. 

We can't do it alone, we need God by our side. 
In every task we want to carry out always ask for God's direction. 

Ask him to help and guide you. Don't do everything without him. Trust in him and believe that he's leading you on the right path. 


Some of us are always eager to write out our dreams without even thinking of paying a price. 

In everything you want to accomplish, you must put in action with determination. 
Decide in your mind that you will never fail but succeed. 

Carry out your plans after you're done writing it down. Don't wait for someone to approve you or give you something before you start. 
If you've got to start now, then start.

Don't procrastinate. Don't postpone. As the opportunity come so will you tale action. 

All you need to start is when you begin to promote yourself by working on whatever necessary. 


Don't be distracted. The devil will always try to distract you from your goals and dreams. He will want your passion to dry up so you won't accomplish what needed. 
His aim is to bring you down. He can go through any lent to do that. 
But you must not give him the chance. 

Stay focused on what you need to accomplish. Your purpose on earth is different from any other people who wants to distract you. 

Is it those friends who are against your dreams? Is it those people who keep criticizing you here and there? Is it those people who bring out fault in every task you do? Or is it your very closest people who says "Do you think is possible?" 

There is a word that says.. " One negative words can destroy 5 positive words." 
It is possible you will want to give up, but you must determine in your mind that you won't. 


I've always cherish this, putting God first is very important. 

‭Matthew 6:33 NLT‬
[33] Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Everything you need will be given to you if you always put God first and live to please Him. 

If the process is slow or tiresome.. Just don't worry and put God first. 

Pray in the morning, thank God for everything in good and bad times, sing song of praises to God, be grateful all times, don't blame or question God. Just give Him all the glory. He is worthy of our praise. 

‭Philippians 4:6 NIV‬
[6] Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

In every situation, present your request to God. 

Do what the Bible say while pursuing your dreams. 

I hope this helps. 
You're loved ❤️. 

Follow up for more. 


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